Thursday, December 31, 2009
Another first-person account of music during surgery!
The first surgery on her left knee was done under general anesthesia. She said she doesn’t do well under general anesthesia, and she had a difficult time waking up and was nauseous the first time.
This time the 54-year-old Ettrick, Wis., woman wanted spinal anesthesia, which would allow her to be conscious while numbing her right knee.
Zellmer also chose music to help with her anxiety and make her relax. Mike Jacobson, a nurse anesthetist at Franciscan Skemp, had a library of music from which she could pick. She chose her favorite music, country, and a favorite artist, George Strait.
With her headphones on, she listened to Strait’s music during surgery.
“It was very calming listening to the music, and I was comfortable,” Zellmer said. “I was nervous about the spinal anesthesia, but the music helped me relax.
“I felt like I was lying in the sun with headphones on,” she said. “Music did its thing, and it was a place to go, something to escape into. The spinal anesthesia and music worked real well together.”
For several years, a number of hospitals, including Franciscan Skemp and Gundersen Lutheran, have offered music to patients during surgery. Zellmer heard about the use of music through a friend who listened to music during surgery at Gundersen Lutheran.
More and more hospitals are using music for patients because research is showing it helps reduce moderate pain and anxiety, and it might result in less sedation and faster recovery.
A Yale University showed patients listening to music required much less sedation during surgery. Another study showed listening to music helps minimize the rise in blood pressure associated with surgery. Researchers say the best results are likely to come from people being able to listen to the music of their own choice rather than being given music thought to be soothing.
For many years, surgery rooms have been filled with the sound of music selected by and for surgeons.
“Music often helps surgeons relax, and some like it for background music,” Jacobson said. “One surgeon likes very loud rock ’n’ roll.
“Patients have their own music option, but it’s the surgeon’s choice in the room,” he said. “I’ve never been asked what I want to hear, but I think whatever music helps the surgeon is a good choice.”
Dr. Mark Connelly, a Gundersen Lutheran facial plastic surgeon, has played music in his operating room for more than 25 years. He has a CD of Broadway show tunes, pop, country and classical music.
“The music is soothing, and it helps me relax,” Connelly said.
“Occasionally, the staff will sing along to ‘Stand By Your Man,’” he said. “Surgeons get to choose the music, but it’s nice when the operating group likes it.”
Jacobson is one of the DJs at Franciscan Skemp. He is in charge of a cart of CDs from which patients can choose, or they can bring in their own CDs.
“Some people like country, some like classical and some New Age, but more patients like soothing music,” Jacobson said. “Music does help calm the patient.”
Dr. Marisa Baorto, a Franciscan Skemp anesthesiologist, said music is used in conjunction with “conscious sedation,” such as spinal and regional anesthesia, for surgeries such as foot, carpal tunnel, knee replacement and breast biopsies.
Baorto said some pregnant women bring in their own music to listen to during labor.
“A lot of patients enjoy the music, and then they don’t have to hear what’s going on in surgery,” Baorto said. “Music helps them phase out and get less sedation.”
Jacobson said he can tell the difference in patients who enjoy the music.
“We can tell the patient is more calm,” Jacobson said. “I don’t think it is fluff. There are benefits to the patient, even some benefits during general anesthesia.”
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Two Major Hospitals Now Recommend Music with Surgery
"Research on the effectiveness of music therapy dates back to the 1920s, when a study reported individuals' blood pressure dropped when listening to music. Currently, our program is conducting a research study to measure the effects of music therapy on pain, anxiety and tension. As part of the Cardiovascular Surgery Healing Enhancement Program, rooms for cardiac surgery patients have music systems. A selection of CD music is available at each cardiac surgical unit. "
The Cleveland Clinic said:
"Research on music and the brain has shown that it can reduce stress, alleviate pain and promote relaxation. And new research from the Cleveland Clinic shows that music can even reach into deep brain structures unrelated to hearing and memory to literally soothe nerves.
Patients receiving deep-brain-stimulation surgery for Parkinson's disease, essential tremor and several other conditions have to be awake for much of the surgery to tell surgeons if their symptoms improve when electrodes are placed deep in their brains.
All of this is very exciting news to me as I am hoping to make my surgical headphones standard in hospitals around the world. Right now I am selling them online at, but I hope eventually to sell them to hospitals so that they can give them to all surgical patients. Stay tuned! The big launch will be in 2010!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Cleveland Clinic researchers find music can have a soothing effect during brain surgery
Cleveland Clinic researchers find music can have a soothing effect during brain surgery
By Brie Zeltner, The Plain Dealer
December 01, 2009, 12:01AM
Lynn Ischay, The Plain DealerDr. Damir Janigro, left, a neuroscientist at the Cleveland Clinic, found that melodic passages of music seemed to calm patients when played while they remainied conscious during deep brain stimulation. With Janigro, in this picture from 2007, is Italian cellist Umberto Clerici. They are holding the 1769 Guadagnini cello that belonged to Janigro’s father, the great Italian cellist Antonio Janigro, which Clerici has on loan.
If you've ever come home after a long day and turned on, say, Brahms to relax, or jacked up the volume on Queen's "We Are the Champions" to get psyched for a workout, you know that music can change your mood.
Research on music and the brain has shown that it can reduce stress, alleviate pain and promote relaxation. And new research from the Cleveland Clinic shows that music can even reach into deep brain structures unrelated to hearing and memory to literally soothe nerves.
Patients receiving deep-brain-stimulation surgery for Parkinson's disease, essential tremor and several other conditions have to be awake for much of the surgery to tell surgeons if their symptoms improve when electrodes are placed deep in their brains.
"I witnessed several hundred brain surgeries with awake patients, and I noticed that these patients were going through a very traumatic experience, much worse than a root canal, for hours, and yet they were wide awake. So they need to be conscious, but no one said that they have to be upset or bored."
Damir Janigro, Cleveland Clinic neuroscientist
Neuroscientist Damir Janigro took advantage of this conscious period to play clips of music for the patients to see what effect it had on their brain function and on their stress levels during the surgery, which can be many hours long.
Janigro decided to play music for these patients after his own experience in a noisy operating room this year. While being prepped for spinal surgery, he thought of how dentists often give patients headphones to listen to music or a TV to watch to ease anxiety.
"The reason why they do it -- I asked my dentist -- is because [the procedure is] easier, and you go home faster," Janigro said.
Janigro presented his findings Oct. 30 at the Music and the Brain symposium in New York. Janigro is one of many specialists who work in the Clinic's Arts and Medicine Institute, which is studying how the arts can be used to enhance healing.
Dirk Hoch, 52, of Delphi, Ind., agreed to participate in the music study without hesitation. Hoch is a former postal worker who had to retire in 2005 due to essential tremor, a neurological condition that causes involuntary shaking, particularly evident during voluntary movements like holding a fork.
During the April surgery, Hoch listened to different music clips and told Janigro how he felt.
Like all the other participants, about a dozen in this initial study, Hoch preferred the melodic music clips to the others. Janigro also offered purely rhythmic music and a clip that combined rhythmic and melodic music.
To eliminate the possibility of any emotional associations with the music related to memory, Janigro had Gregory Bonanno of the Cleveland Institute of Music compose the clips.
Hoch said the music was a welcome distraction from the pain of the halo-like metal clamp that held his head in place during the surgery.
"You were at ease and at peace with the surroundings, which, given the circumstances, is something," he said. "I mean, after all, they're drilling holes in your head and inserting electrodes. It just really made a huge difference."
Janigro and his team could see that difference at work in Hoch's brain.
When he and the other patients listened to the rhythmic music or the clip that was both rhythmic and melodic, the overactive firing in their subthalamic and thalamic neurons didn't change. These are the areas of the brain that control the surface cortex and are particularly important in movement.
During the melodic music clips, the firing in these areas slowed down, and Hoch and the other patients felt calmer.
It wasn't exactly what Janigro expected.
"It's strange because these are motor sensors, so you would expect that boom, boom, boom would have more of an effect -- the rhythmic music."
The next step for Janigro and his colleagues will be to find out if melodic music in the operating room has any effect on stress measures, like the amount of the stress hormone cortisol circulating in the blood or the amount of blood-pressure medication needed during the procedure.
Ultimately, Janigro hopes the musical intervention will mean patients heal faster.
"I bet you that they will go home sooner," he said. "That's the goal, really. Happy people don't stay in the hospital."
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Music during Surgery: What the experts say
“We trust that the magic of sound, scientifically applied, will contribute in ever greater measure to the relief of human suffering, to a higher development and a richer integration of the human personality, to the harmonious synthesis of all human “notes” of all “group chords and melodies” – until there will be the greater symphony of the One Humanity.”
Roberto Assagioli M.D.
Music can be employed as assistance in obtaining physical, emotional and spiritual health. During the first half of the nineties, I investigated the therapeutic consequences of distinct types of music on patients under adequate anaesthesia. This investigation was done in Johannesburg at the Garden City Clinic, over a period of four years (1991-1995), with statistics done at the Witwatersrand university, by dr. Jackie Galpin.
Data available on investigations done to test the therapeutic benefits of music, would fill a library of its own. That was not what was done. The effect of music with a known therapeutic value, was investigated on patients under adequate anaesthesia – testing for reduction in pain levels and a shorter recovery period. It is an accepted dictum in psychology that people in a deep sleep, coma or under anaesthesia can hear (not remember). That the auditory pathways up to the auditory cortex actually remain open and untouched by anaesthesia. That you can talk to people in a coma or undergoing surgery, and that the body would respond to whatever was said. In many hospitals, positive suggestions are given to patients in a coma and on the operating table. The capital aim of the project was to test music to serve as a credible alternative for the positive verbal suggestions.
Music has powerful effects on people, whether they are educated in music or not. Wertheim (1961) states that “muscle perception and performance is an inborn capacity of the human brain. This ability is common among human beings and is independent of education or culture…..” This makes the application of music as a therapy, or music as an aid to any other therapy, very simple.
Science, Medicine and Anthropology have completed many years of investigation on the effect of music on the physical body. As early as 1830, articles were published by J. Dogiel, which outlined experiments done to affirm music’s dynamic effect on the body. Absolute physiological reactions were established, and amongst other things, it was proved that music act on the circulation of blood, and can cause blood pressure to rise and fall. According to this, these alternations of pressure rely mainly on the influence which auditory stimulation has on the medulla oblongata and the auditory nerve.
During the first half of the previous century, many investigators throughout Europe agreed that music increases metabolism in a very adequate way, and that it changes muscular energy and enhances respiration.
The positive effects of music on physical and psychological health are truly widespread. In an article on music as cause of disease and healing agent, Assagioli (1965) states that “through its influence upon the subconscious, music can have a still more definite and specific healing effect of a psychoanalytic character. If of an appropriate kind, it can help in eliminating repression and resistance and bring into the field of waking consciousness many drives, emotions and complexes which were creating difficulties in the subconscious”.
It is known that certain kinds of music have the ability to reduce pain, whether it is physical or emotional. Scarantino (1987) states that “Pythagoras of Samos taught his students that certain musical sequences, chords and melodies produced definite responses in the human organism, and could change behaviour patterns that accelerated healing processes”
In a further discussion Scarantino states “In the 1970’s, Bulgarian researchers, under the direction of Dr. Georgi Lazanov, discovered a holistic approach to learning, that allows the body and mind to work in harmony through the linking of music and verbal suggestions…. While listening to largo movements from works of Baroque era composers, with tempos slower than the average heartbeat (sixty beats per minute or slower), the vital signs of test subjects slows down in rhythm with the music, relaxing them physically but leaving their minds alert for the assimilation of information. When the various educational data was presented to the students while the music played in the background, the students experienced significant increases in awareness and retention of information and a whole repertoire of health benefits, including relief from pain and headaches…..”
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Pediatric Anesthesia: New Research Results
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Music Before Surgery Proven Effective
Friday, December 04, 2009
Can the surgical patient hear under anesthesia?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
More Info on dangers of Propofol: use ONLY as directed

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Surgery with music now recommended at Mayo Clinic
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Music in the PACU: New Study from Sweden
Saturday, November 07, 2009
New Research Study on Music Medicine with Children

Monday, November 02, 2009
Surgery Headphones or Surgery Music Download
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I've Come Full Circle!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Rave Reviews come in of my Surgery Headphones
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Music during Surgery: A video report
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
How does entrainment work?

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Now anyone can have music during surgery!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
More on Propofol
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Why Propofol should only be in the hospital

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Surgery with music lectures for your organization

Thursday, June 25, 2009
A little humor regarding effects of surgery!

Monday, June 22, 2009
How does anesthesia work?
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Interesting history about anesthesia

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Understanding the Power of Entrainment
One of the most frequent questions that I get about my music with surgery process and headphones is "how do you know this works?" That's a great questions and very important to understand that this is not just a hunch I have!
When I began studying music therapy back in 1990 with Laurie Rugenstein, one of the first things I learned about was the power of musical entrainment. To make it as simple as possible " when people hear rhythmic music being played, they automatically begin to tap a toe, tap a finger, nod their head, or sometimes, get up and dance!
Now what does this have to do with surgery? Well, music therapy and medical research ( databases are filled with scientific, empirical studies documenting that when rhythmic music is played for patients, their heartrate and breathing tend to synchronize with that music, often lowering blood pressure, lowering heart rate, stabilizing body temperature and all biorhythms.
Many of these studies played the music through headphones which not only delivers the music directly to the brain through the 8th cranial nerve, but also drowns out OR conversations, and sounds that the patient might not want to hear like drilling, sawing, and breaking bones!
The headphones that I have created are wireless, cordless, and completely re-chargeable. They hold 7-8 hours of specially-selected music for surgery or can be programmed with the music you choose!
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
What is the advantage of using "musical anesthesia?"
If you want to know more about this, please click HERE. Thank you!
Friday, April 24, 2009
How soon should you talk with doctor?
So, now you know you must have surgery. You've heard that listening to music through headphones during surgery can greatly reduce the amount of anesthesia, pain medication and other meds by up to 50%!! How soon do you mention this to your physician?
Many surgeons today are quite familiar with people taking their own favorite relaxing music into the OR because there has been so much publicity about this phenomenon and the many ways that it can help during surgery. Unfortunately, there are some surgeons that are not aware of these benefits and are not willing to even discuss it.
If you have just come across this blog or some of the many articles I have written on the subject at, please feel free to email me through my site or go to
Sunday, March 29, 2009
More info on the surgical headphones

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Do you want Headphones or MP3 Player for your surgery music?

- the headphones are totally cordless and the MP3 player or iPod has wires that connect the earbuds to the player
- During surgery, or other medical procedure, you need to be able to move your head easily and many people report a problem with earbuds falling out.
- Although many people take iPods and MP3 players into surgery and do not report a problem, I think the cordless, pre-programmed headphones are safer and less likely to become entangled with anything the surgeon or nurses might be doing for you.
- Another advantage is that you don't have to worry about where to put the MP3 player. Although surgical gowns often have a small pocket, it's not really intended to keep an object in it and could easily slide out.
Of course either one is preferable to no music for your procedure. What's the downside? Absolutely nothing! Let me know if I can help you!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Headphones orders are coming in
Friday, February 27, 2009
Surgery Headphones are ready for YOU!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Benefits of Less Anesthesia

- anesthesia can take up to 6 months to completely leave your system
- all bodily systems are brought to an almost complete halt by anesthesia, severe constipation being a common result of this
- anesthesia is fraught with adverse reactions in patients including allergy and just plain sever side-effects
- side-effects include prolonged nausea, dizziness, fuzzy thinking, rashes, double vision and depression
- the less anesthesia you have, the sooner you can leave the hospital, begin your healing journey and get on with your life!
If you could have beautiful music playing through headphones cordless, self-contained, lightweight headphones during your procedure and take less anesthesia without an increase in pain, wouldn't you do it?? Please let me know! Thank you!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
People's Fears of Surgery and Anesthesia
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Preparing for plastic surgery with music
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Study: Music helps colonoscopy patients tune out test anxiety

Plastic Surgery and criminology?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Is there a colonoscopy in your future?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Why use music during surgery?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating the Effect of Music on the Virtual Reality Laparoscopic Learning Performance of Novice Surgeons - Abstract