Research is in: Music during Surgery is a great idea!

Research is in:  Music during Surgery is a great idea!
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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

What is the advantage of using "musical anesthesia?"

What exactly is "Musical Anesthesia?"  This is my patented procedure for using music during surgery (or other medical procedures) wherein the patient has specially created wireless headphones that deliver specially chosen music during surgery for the express purpose of reducing (sometimes dramatically) the amount of anesthesia required during the procedure.

Why would someone want to reduce the amount of anesthesia they require during surgery? Anesthesia-related complications range from headache to death.  Although people do not die very often from anesthesia, it does happen every year because of previously unknown allergies, anesthesia-related heart attacks, and other unforseen events that result in death.

If you knew that you could supplement the usual anesthesia with music in order to create a safe experience, wouldn't you want to do that?  I have created a patented a process to deliver that perfect music for surgery through wireless headphones.

 If you want to know more about this, please click HERE.  Thank you!

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