Research is in: Music during Surgery is a great idea!

Research is in:  Music during Surgery is a great idea!
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

People's Fears of Surgery and Anesthesia

Most people are concerned and somewhat frightened when they learn that they are going to need surgery to correct, repair or heal from a condition. Many people are actually terrified that they will not wake up after general anesthesia. Although the science of anesthesiology has come a long way in the past five decades, there are definitely risks!
Recently I read a very interesting thread on a music blog. It went like this:
Who's been under the knife? How does it feel waking up from the anesthesia? Do you feel groggy, disoriented, pain, numbness? Is it like waking up from a long sleep? Does the pain hit you like a 10 ton brick or does it gradually set in or do you have to keep taking pain killers?
The responses were fascinating: a combination of comforting and scaring the person further. To my delight, many of the readers seemed to be aware of the option of taking their iPod with their favorite music into surgery. If you're looking at surgery in the near future, please feel free to contact me so assistance in preparing your perfect music!