The word about music during surgery is getting out! I did a lecture this past Friday night at a large Presbyterian Church here in Louisville and then appeared on a widely-broadcast radio show here earlier this evening!
Once people begin to understand what a huge benefit music during surgery is, the more they not only use it themselves for any medical procedure but the more they begin to tell their friends, family, and physicians. My goal is to have the wireless, pre-programmed headphones in every hospital, every doctor's office and in many homes as well.
If you want to know more, go now to www.surgicalheadphones.com. As always, send me your questions, your comments, and your stories of music's healing power.
It is so great that music is finally being acknowledged as an important factor in human health and well-being! Reducing the need for and side-effects of anesthesia is a huge feat. It seems much of what makes surgery so traumatic for people is the anesthesia.
I have also read that people with dementia or amnesia are able to recall songs, and upon hearing songs become more lucid. When I was caroling at a nursing home last Christmas, the nurses begged us to visit the Alzheimer's ward because music more than anything was able to reach those patients. It was a really remarkable feeling to see them light up as we came through!
Thanks so much for this comment! Needless to say, I couldn't agree more!! Will you be caroling again this year for Alzheimer's patients?
I wonder if NICU's would allow a few people to carol softly in there? Music helps preemies soooo much!
Keep those comments coming!!
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