It's not too surprising that many people have a crippling fear of anesthesia. As a matter of fact, their fear is so intense and so overwhelming that they choose not to have surgery, rather than subject themselves to their terrifying projections. But is anesthesia really that dangerous? According to Sarah Wassner Flynn, (
http://www.sheknows.com/) "Serious complications from general anesthesia are extremely rare: Malignant hyperthermia affects about one in 10,000 to one in 30,000 patients and far fewer – about five in one million – will die. But even one is too many. More common are side effects like nausea, dizziness and muscle aches, which are much less dangerous and easily managed.
Of course, my purpose in introducing this topic is to let you know that listening to soft, slow, steady instrmental music during surgery has been proven to relax the mind and body tension to the point that up to 50% less anesthesia can be taken and still the body and mind are completely anesthetized! Now that's worth investigating, isn't it? To read more, go to
MUSIC FOR SURGERY. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all about the process, the research, or the music I have chosen! To your successful surgery!
I'm having surgery soon and I am really afraid of the Anesthesia. My fear is that the anesthesia paralized my body so I can't move or talk but still awake during the procedure and they don't see that I am awake, my other fear is that I don't wake up after the surgery. I am very anxious... and don't know how to get this fear out of me...
Hi! Sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery and the level of fear that you're experiencing. Of course no one looks forward to surgery but the fact is that most people do wake up from surgery when they're supposed to and most people never feel a thing.
Today there are machines that will tell the doctors, by monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, and other vital signs, whether or not the person is truly asleep and not feeling pain.
Of course I recommend my surgical headphones which are programmed with soothing music that is the tempo of the healthy, resting heartbeat so that your body is relaxed naturally and doesn't require as much anesthesia. If you want to contact me to learn more, you can reach me at www.HealingMusicEnterprises.com. Just click on the "contact" button!
Hope to hear from you again!
This is one of the most rational, intelligent fears a person can have, a sign of great intellect. Don't talk to me about childish fears like insects or snakes. The surgery itself is usually just a cat scratch. The recent demise of Michael Jackson from his addiction to anesthesia echoes the fate of its inventor, Horace Wells, who had become addicted and committed violent crime and suicide under its influence. The 2 men who had popularized it, William Morton and Charles T. Jackson, both died from bizarre neurological symptoms, Jackson being demented for 7 years before his death. Jackson's brother-in-law, Ralph Waldo Emerson, is possibly the first well-documented person to have died from alzheimer. Norman Kerr, a 19th century pioneer on substance abuse, identified ether and chloroform as the most addictive substances known, worse than cocaine and opium. Recent research is slowly and reluctantly admitting the inconvenient truth that all anesthetized patients sustain some sort of brain damage, ranging from loss of some creativity, imagination, and personality to outright alzheimer. Music as an anesthetic-sparing technique is one part of my larger vision of badly needed anesthesia reform. Energy and climate is an effective analogy to understand this issue. Just as accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is wreaking havoc on the world's climate, e.g. Hurricane Katrina and rising sea levels, accumulation of low-grade brain damage in the U.S. population has devastated the cultural landscape (exacerbated by other forces such as trans fats, pollution, poor diet, etc.). And just as the solutions to anthropoietic climate change are a kaleidoscope of renewable energy and conservation techniques, anesthesia reform is also a combination of eliminating unnecessary surgery, promotion of consciousness-preserving nerve blocks (which should also be aided with music), anesthetic-sparing techniques such as music, anesthetic advance directives that include playlists, full transparency, individualized rehabilitation plans (which include music therapy), and familial/close friend and regulatory supervision. And one other slight detail: the victimology of the anesthetized patient is indistinguishable from that of sexual assault: issues of POWER, CONTROL, DOMINATION, GENDER, RACE, CLASS, AGEISM, FEAR FOR ONE'S LIFE, and OUTRIGHT SEXUAL ABUSE. The latter is the true cause of alleged "alien abductions" which occur geographically in clusters and invariably involve sexual abuse, even though we cannot produce a viable offspring with our closest relative, the chimpanzee, for a "genetic experiment," let alone an offworlder with entirely different genetic material and biochemistry. Moreover, shift workers and all-night party animals never sight UFOs landing all over suburbia, teleportation is unsurvivable because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and our own earthly molecular biology is sophisticated enough to permit genetic recombination without sex, let alone that of an advanced race of spacegoing offworlders. Sexual abuse happens in schools, churches, workplaces, prisons, and in other parts of hospitals, and it happens in the OR as well. BTW, the fear of paralysis broached in the first post is entirely justified: most anesthetized patients are paralyzed by strong muscle relaxants, a practice I vehemently oppose (this is also a significant issue in capital punishment). This revelation is just one reason for ABSOLUTE TRANSPARENCY, and why I do not accept or tolerate excuses.
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